Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Climate Data Discussion

Put climate data to good use

Ah, data! Commonly used to understand and describe interactions across difference and the experience of individuals, and to inform policies, programs, and other institutional efforts. It is less common for this data to be used as a basis for meaningful discussion. Our consultations on climate data focus on productive strategies for such discussions, using data to increase the awareness and daily capacity of a given group or department.

Diversity Skills and Perspectives

A 1-day workshop

How do you engage the benefits arising from diversity? This workshop lays a foundation for individual and institutional efforts to reduce the liabilities associated with diversity and create satisfying academic communities capable of harnessing the power of heterogeneity through inclusion. This workshop addresses differences in social identity (such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and class) as well as other differences in identity, experience, discipline, and role.

Conflict Skills

A self-paced program to help engage conflict productively

Conflict, and the common inability to navigate conflict well, creates many of the problems we associate with equity.  This self-paced program reframes conflict and provides perspective and tools to engage in conflict more effectively.

Inclusive Professional Practice Dialogue

An interactive 90-minute seminar

This introduction to Inclusive Professional Practice takes the form of a dialogue with participants. It focuses on four questions: Why is Inclusive Professional Practice important? What does professional inclusion look like? What are the barriers to achieving it? How is it enacted? Participant experience and perspective is combined with research findings, best practice suggestions, and insights about the academic environment.

The Meanings and Motivations of Diversity

An interactive 90-minute seminar

This seminar takes a critical inquiry approach to engage participants in the root questions of diversity in academia: what is it? why does it matter? We explore and interrogate differences across individual definitions and grapple with whether and how diversity itself is related to learning, the production of knowledge, scholarly principles, and the goals for education in the 21st century.

→ To find out more about any of these resources or to discuss a customized version fit to your needs, send us an email.

Diversity’s Potential

Difference brings a richness of ideas, the highest quality solutions, and opportunities to continually expand our possibilities and challenge our capacities. Research demonstrates that heterogeneity, done well, makes us smarter, better, more interesting.

Diversity’s Reality

Distrust, misperceptions, and conflicts related to difference too often impair success and productivity, decrease satisfaction and well-being, and undermine cohesion – creating limitations rather than possibility. As situations erode, participants withdraw, systemic problems increase, and problematic behaviors become more likely.

Read more about our approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion in our blog:

Creating Inclusive Classrooms

College and university classrooms are a potent, important, and effective arena for inclusion.  An inclusive setting in the classroom is important because it models the ideals of non-discriminatory environment.  Providing a learning experience in this context means allowing for equal…
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